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home range 【生態】巢區〔動物(每日或季節)活動范圍〕。

home rule

? there were extremely significant difference on average home range of male and female voles in different treatment populations ( t = 6 . 251 , p o . 001 ) , and the population mnka were extremely significant correlation with the home range of male voles ( r = - 0 . 724 , p = 0 . 000 ) and female voles ( r = - 0 . 814 , p = 0 . 000 ) Si4 , p 0刀00人以體重及種群最小存活數為協變量的ancova表明,種群最小存活數對巢區具有極顯著的獨立作用( f二18 331 , p一0刀00人而體重的作用則不顯著( f 1 876 。

Construction works at the desalination plant and barging point will only affect small areas of coastal habitats , which account for a small proportion of the daily home range of fauna of conservation concern in the coastal areas 化淡廠和停泊點的建筑工程只影響小部分的海岸生境。這些生境只是一些具保育價值的動物品種的日常棲息范圍的一小部分。

This area was believed to be far outside the dolphin populations usual home range of lantau island and the pearl river estuary and the team immediately went there to investigate 那里遠離中華白海豚在大嶼山及珠江三角洲的活躍地點,研究小組即時驅船前往視察,果然發現一條粉紅色的中華白海豚。

The home range of female is biggest ( 14970 + 569m2 ? during the building nest period and that is the smallest ( 5609 ? 18m2 during upper - hatching period 雌鴇在繁殖期的不同階段中,以筑巢期巢區最大( 14970士569m ‘ ) , 9卵后期的巢區最刁( 5609士318m ‘ ) 。

Unlike the pack - forming gray wolves in the park , red foxes are solitary and occupy home ranges that may be shared with only one or two members of the opposite 不像公園里群居的狼群,紅狐們獨來獨往,而且只和一到兩個異性伴侶分享自己所占據的領地。

The location of salt site seemed to have influences on their movement pattern , as well as on locations and sizes of their home range 鹽源的存在對羚牛的遷移活動有一定的影響,羚牛的舔鹽習性可能會影響其家域的變化。

The young panda begins a life of its own during the second spring , when it establishes its own home range 第二年春天,小熊貓開始了它的獨立生活。此時,它將建立自己的領地。

Home range utilization in an all - male band of white - headed langur trachypithecus francoisi leucocephalus in luobai , china 一個野生白頭葉猴全雄群的巢域利用

Pictures and home ranges of commonly seen dolphins are launched 常見海豚的照片及其活動范圍資料現已上載

Home range utilization in an all - male band of white - headed langur 一個野生白頭葉猴全雄群的巢域利用

White - headed langur ; all - male band ; home range utilization 白頭葉猴全雄群巢域利用